means in the Hawaiian language
“taking care of something precious”,
and each letter of “MALAMA” stands
for one of our precious values.

M stands for Mae Terra, mother earth.
Reconnection with the power, beauty and magic of nature, with the elements.
Walking barefoot in the sunshine and under millions of sparkling stars at night.
Breathing fresh air.
Feeling grounded, alive, loved
and part of a bigger WHOLE.

A stands for Amizade, friendship.
“Friends are part of the glue
that holds life and faith together.
Powerful stuff”
(Jon Katz)

L stands for Liberdade, freedom.
Once you realise your limitations, you can free yourself from them.
Widen your horizon, take back your responsibility.
Think big, dream big
keep believing in your dreams and then …

A stands for Amor, love.
Love is the silent invisible spark of life
that makes our hearts beat,
our flowers bloom,
our children grow,
our relationships shine.
And our MALAMA Space into our paradise.

M stands for Mundo Novo, a new world.
We all came here because we feel, its time for a change!
A change from rat race to joyful living.
From classical education to the development of our highest potential.
From greed to abundance.
From competition to friendship.
From fear to love.
Let’s create it together!

A stands for Alma, the soul.
listen to your longings, to your soul´s purpose.
Give yourself time and space
to feel who you truly are.
Live the essence of your life!